How to get more viewers on pinterest

Pinterest is my most popular social media platform. Currently, my page has 84k monthly viewers and that amazes me!
I must say I don’t use Pinterest to only showcase my own work. I pin photographs that inspire me. I love Pinterest for that, it gives me as daily inspiration boost of weddings, style, PARIS and quotes. For that, I love it.

I’ve always had a Pinterest board for my own wedding photography.. but I’ve found that now I’ve built up a my views, that when I post my own work, it gets the re-pins! Which is what I want to achieve.

Here are my tips!

– Post things you visually love.
Pinterest is all about what inspires you and what you love. I only pin photographs that cohesively go with my feed. I want to look at all of the photographs at the top of the page and it look aesthetically pleasing.

– Post your own content
Posting your own original content to Pinterest is a great way to stand out.

– Descriptions and key words
Use descriptions and key words so people can find your photographs.

– Post daily
I have the app on my phone and in an ad break (or in bed) I’ll re-pin a few photographs and add some of my own. Goes without saying, the more you post the more you’ll be found.

– ‘Pin it’ button on your website
If you have a ‘pin-it’ button on your website, it will encourage people to pin the photographs from your website and blog.. All whilst linking back to your site!

I know it’s not about followers, but I am pretty chuffed! Now if only I could get Instagram up to that a figure…

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