A few months ago an email landed in my inbox asking me if I would do an interview on blogging for Digital Photographer Magazine.
An interview? Me? Sorry.. what?
I replied saying “OMG YES”. Part of me expected that it would never reach the magazine or if it did it would be a tiny thing in the corner.
Well, months later, I buy the issue (2 copies, you know.. just incase). On page 75 there is a full page interview with me and my photographs. AHH!
I was never ever a writer. Infact I sucked at it. I always used to write how I thought I should.. not how I did. Once I started to write like me, I enjoyed it and blogged more and more.
I am not saying I am a fabulous writer, I will first and foremost always be a photographer.. but blogging has given me a great new platform on the internet and a place where I can talk, share photographs and show people more about me.
I always read these magazines, never thinking for one second that I could be in one. But eek! I made it.
Thank you so much if you read my blog, you make me incredibly happy.
KP x