When someone says you can’t.. smile, then go do it.


I remember it clearly, I was at Uni and I told someone I looked up to that I wanted to be a Wedding photographer.
His reply “you’ll never make any money doing that”.
At the time I didn’t have any opinion on it. I was a quiet, shy 19 year old who would never speak up and stick up for herself.

I’ve been thinking about it lately, if I had listened to him I wonder what I’d be doing?
Anyway, 19 year old me didn’t listen.
Wedding photography and blogging has opened some doors for me that I never thought would open, and whilst my success maybe small, to me it makes me happy. I may not be ‘rich’ but I freakin’ love my job.

Guess what I’m trying to say is if you want to do something, do it and listen to this;

KP x

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