What to wear on a pre-wedding photoshoot


Whenever I am organising a pre-wedding photoshoot, the one thing I always hear is ‘I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR’.
So, I have decided to write a blog on such subject! Here goes!

Firstly, be comfortable. If you feel comfortable in what you are wearing, then your confidence will shine through!

Secondly, dress up a little! (I know I’ve just said ‘be comfortable’ and some couples may think having photographs in a park whilst all dressed up sounds the total opposite of ‘comfortable’… but bear with me.)
I hate the term ‘smart casual’ because quite frankly, noone knows when they’re about to cross the line that leads them into the term.. ‘dressy’. So I say, wear what you would wear to a nice dinner. For girls, maybe a dress and heels/smart jeans and heels… boys, maybe a shirt and trousers/smart jeans. Heels also give girls great posture – which will make your photographs look fabulous!
I also think it looks better when you compliment each other. Don’t wear colours that clash, try and match.


Thirdly, I have had alot of brides use their pre-wedding shoot as a makeup trial. So they can see what their makeup will photograph like on their wedding day. GREAT IDEA.
Some brides will then know to ask their make up artist to add more eye liner or blusher, so it stands out more on their photographs. Plus, when you’ve had your make up done professionally… who isn’t going to feel amazing?!


I think a pre-wedding shoot is a great way of fighting some photography wedding nerves. The amount of couples (mainly the groom) who have said to me that it’s made them feel more confident about their wedding and that they didn’t feel as awkward as they thought they would when being photographed. Result!


Website: https://www.kayleighpope.co.uk

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