Happy New year!
I previously did a yearly review, but I wanted to post another blog regarding 2013!
2013 has been a successful year for me business wise. I actually feel like its an injustice to stamp a year with ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Life is life, there are good days and bad.
Whilst there are always ways to improve, I feel it’s a good thing to constantly learn and grow bigger.
I always make resolutions. I know a lot of people say ‘nobody sticks to resolutions’ and they’re probably right, but I feel a resolution should be an ongoing improvement to change your life for the better.
My resolutions include;
– doing more things that scare the life out of me
– travelling more
– improving my business and learn even more as I go
– continuing to be positive
So take the bad times with the good and keep improving! Make small changes daily and improve your days :)
Thanks again for everyones ongoing support :) Happy New year!!
Kayleigh xx
What are your ongoing resolutions?