“Do you fancy sticking the kettle on?”


“Do you fancy sticking the kettle on?” was a sentence I heard way too much whenever I was on work experience. I made a promise to myself when stood by the kettle for the 15th time that day, that if I ever was in the position where I had a work experience student, I would never make them make me tea.

This week Chloe, my work experience student, has been working alongside me. I’m not going to lie, I thought to myself… How am I going to teach someone about photography and business?! I’m not a teacher!

My main aim of having Chloe work with me is that I want her to learn. I want her to use a camera (and not just watch me) and I want to find her passion within art. I feel everyone needs to find their ‘style’, within taking a photograph and within editing.


So that’s exactly what I’ve encouraged Chloe to do. I’ve helped her out when need be, but I’ve let her use my equipment and take shots of things she loves. She’s gone through the whole process of shooting, picking the shots she wants, editing and uploading them to a blog/website. Like I would do with every shoot.

I believe repetition is the key to learning. To perfect your art you need to do it a lot and you need to love it.

If you want to be a photographer, get out there and take photographs! Practice makes perfect! …

And she hasn’t made one cup of tea!

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